OTTAWA – Overnight on Friday temperatures dipped into the low 30s, creating a light frost, the first of the season. With a record-late corn and soybean moving towards maturity, the timing and intensity of a first freeze has the potential to break a crop. LaSalle County’s Farm Bureau President David Isermann says the aftermath of the freeze warning is based on location and plant stage.If corn hasn’t reached the physiological maturity of black layer, it will effect yield. Even at this time of year, because most corn was planted late, kernels are still adding weight, taking nutrients from the stalk.As for soybeans, the frost wasn’t a deal breaker, but quite the opposite.From here on out, Isermann says if he could place an order on the weather, he would ask for 70-80s degrees, moderate wind and sunshine.This weeks weather forecast shows chances of showers on Tuesday, cutting down crops drying time. However, the rest of this week is looking up with breezy conditions, sunny and highs in the upper 50s to mid 60s.
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