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Teen steals gummy bear, then vomits moments later

A teenager in Odessa hopefully, learned a lesson after stealing a Lil’ Nitro Gummy Bear,  also known as the World’s Hottest Gummy Bear.  It’s made and sold in the USA and measures 9,000,000 on the Scoville scale.  The Scoville scale measures the heat of chili peppers.  On the list, a jalapeno is only 2,500 – 8,000 Scovilles, while a Carolina Reaper is 1,400,000 – 2,200,000.
After walking into a pharmacy with a friend, he abruptly left the store and was standing around outside.  Moments later he came running in and went to the cooler and grabbed an iced tea and threw himself to the floor.  The staff grew concerned and asked if he needed an ambulance.  He declined and said he just ate something bad.
The other teen he was with ran back in and offered to pay for the iced tea and helped him back outside.  That is when he vomited on the sidewalk from the heat and pain.
An employee who had just replenished inventory noticed that there was a Lil’ Nitro Gummy Bear missing and the police were contacted.  The store ultimately decided not to press charges as they feel the teen has already had enough punishment.

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