Men and women are totally different creatures when it comes to some of our social skills. There are things men do that baffle women, as well as things women do to baffle men.
Women baffle men by:
- Decorative pillows. Why does a bed with two people need eight pillows? And why does a couch for four ALSO need eight pillows?
- Being mad about something he did in your dream last night.
- The obsession with popping pimples. Why do so many women love that?
- Sharing the intimate details of your sex life with friends. Despite all the “locker room talk” in movies, most guys don’t really do that.
- How a lot of women don’t dress for the occasion, they dress for the ARRIVAL. Then after five minutes, they’re already uncomfortable.
- Casually taking forever to get ready. Then acting like everyone else should rush once you ARE ready.
- The conversation where he says, “What’s wrong?” . . . she says, “Nothing” . . . he says, “Really, I can tell something’s up” . . . followed by, “I said NOTHING.”
- How you can be interested in a guy, but he doesn’t make a move. Then he finally wises up later . . . makes a move . . . and you’re not interested anymore. If a guy likes you today, he’ll like you next month, or next year.
- High heels, and it’s a two-parter. They’re so impractical, it’s amazing they haven’t been canceled yet. But it’s also really impressive women can walk around in them so well.
- What’s with all the strands of hair stuck to that one wall in the shower? You’re putting them there on purpose, right?
Men baffle women by:
- Cry while watching sports movies.
- Close one nostril to shoot snot from the other.
- Stack empty beer cans into a pyramid.
- Go to Home Depot for pleasure.
- Shout “Now THAT’S what I’m talkin’ ’bout!” when their team scores.
- Pick a restaurant based on its wings.
- Quote “Scarface”.
- Spend all day working in the garage but have nothing to show for it.
- Wear shorts with a lot of pockets.
- Fantasy football.
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