SPRING VALLEY, IL — Local Boy Scout Troops 797 of Utica and 1091 based out of Spring Valley will be offering a Wilderness Survival Camporee this weekend for other local troops to participate in. The camp will be held Friday the 21st through Sunday the 23rd at Echo Bluff in Spring Valley. Campers will learn new skills such as water purification, wilderness first aid, wilderness survival “Rules of the Road”, shelter building, attracting attention, and orienteering. Campers will also partake in a campfire cook off, as well as open the activities to the public on Saturday from 8-4. Families with children interested in learning more about Boy Scouts and if it is the path for them are welcome to attend, free of charge.
The Utica Fire Department will be at the camp to teach campers how they use a drone for search and rescue out in the wilderness. The camporee was organized and will be ran by the Scouts and Scouters from the host troops with little input from their leaders. While at the camporee, campers will be working on their Wilderness Survival Merit Badge, which was designed by the host troops. They have to complete water purification, survival kits, attracting attention, navigation, wilderness first aid review, shelter and fire building skills, as well as wilderness survival “Rules of the Road” throughout the weekend.
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