MORRIS – Exelon announced Thursday that they will be closing the nuclear plants in Morris and Byron in fall of 2021. In a statement, they say the four reactors will shut down costing the area over 1,500 full time jobs and $63 million in tax revenue. According to Exelon, they say the facilities were experiencing revenue shortfalls in the hundreds of millions of dollars and they were being undermined by lower cost fossil fuel energy options. Byron is expected to close in September of 2021 and the Dresden Morris station in November of 2021.
State Senator Sue Rezin (R) Morris said Thursday “Dresden plays a vital role in our region’s economy, providing more than 800 well-paying jobs and more than $24 million in property taxes annually. We must do everything we can to ensure that this facility continues to operate to preserve jobs for the hundreds of people employed by this facility and the many local businesses they support in their communities.”
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