STREATOR – Due to water main breaks and resulting loss of water pressure, Illinois American Water has issued a boil water order for its Streator District. The boil water order affects the communities of Streator, Ancona, Dana, Kangley, Longpoint, Ransom and Reading. Customers in the affected area should bring their water to a rolling boil for 5 minutes before using water for drinking or cooking. Water is OK for bathing, washing and other common uses. This boil order is being issued in accordance with Illinois EPA regulations. Anytime water pressure drops below 20 pounds per square inch in any part of a community’s distribution system, a boil order must be issued as a precaution to protect customers. This boil water order is expected to be lifted within 48 hours. Customers are being notified via media outreach, customer calls and Illinois American Water website updates at www.illinoisamwater.com. Information is also provided to our customer service center representatives. Notification will be completed in the same manner when the boil water order is lifted.
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